The archive of climate data contains information, used by the
program, which are related to the location of the photovoltaic
system: irradiance, temperature, geographic coordinates, time zones.
BlueSol comes with a default archive of climate data which includes:
- Data NASA-SSE for about 1400 locations worldwide
- Data ENEA for Italy
- Data UNI 10349 for Italy
This database can however be extended
by the user, adding new locations
and sources of climate data.
The Search location
command allows you to select the location places depending on the
choice the country and the data source of radiation.
The toolbar proposes a list of countries for the sources of climatic
data currently selected. The first step is the selection of the
source of climatic data, then appears the countries for which the
data are available. All locations, available for the selected
country, will be displayed.
The location can be selected by scrolling through the list of
locations, or entering the name in the search box location. Writing
the Location, the list
scrolls proposing the location that is closer to the text that you
are typing. Usually just type a few characters to see displayed the
name you search.
Once you have selected the location, the window proposes the values
of irradiance per day (average monthly) on a horizontal plane, with
respect to diffuse and global irradiance. In addition, values are
proposed average annual total irradiance, measured on a horizontal
plane, the components of direct, diffuse and global.
If the maximum and minimum temperatures of the locations were not
known, these values must be left zero. In this case the program
assumes, in the calculations of the verifications on the tensions
produced by photovoltaic modules, that the minimum and maximum values
reached by photovoltaic modules are defined in project settings
(default values are -10° and +70° C).