Consumption of electrical device

Consumption of electrical device


To create or modify the consumption of an electric device, BlueSol proposes a window to manage parameters that identify consumptions.

We must give a name to the consumption, the name must be unique within the profile of consumption, then specify the number of devices (consumption will be multiplied by this number) and the power needed the electrical device.


Hourly consumption:

For each hour of the day is indicated which is the estimated consumption of the electrical device. We must choose the unit of measure by which you specify the hourly consumption:

  • Min, in each hourly interval daily you specify the number of minutes (0 to 60), the device is running at the specified power.

  • kWh, in each hourly interval daily is indicated consumption in kWh of electrical device.

To simplify the insertion of consumption schedules there are some commands that allow rapid insertion of common situations:

Apply throughout the day the consumption to the power of the device.

Inserts the consumption in a time period to specify the power of the device.

Reset all hourly consumptions.


Weekly distribution:

You specify which days of the week can be activated the daily distribution of consumption. The green color indicates that it is active, the red is not active. To change the activation status simply click on the colored box.


Monthly distribution:

You specify in which months of the year can be activated consumption. The green color indicates that it is active, the red is not active. To change the activation status simply click on the colored box.