Wizard sizing of electrical components

Wizard sizing of electrical components


With this tool, the program is able to search within the archives, the electrical components to be used in the system, checking that they are always verified and meet the search criteria defined by the designer. In this way it is possible to automatically dial the electric panels of the system. Obviously then the user can freely change the configurations made with the standard tools of modeling the system.

The user has the ability to set the standard by which the program chooses the electrical components, these options are available:

  • System sections to be sized: Specifies which section of the system, electrical panels AC or DC and grid connection, must be carried out search operation and sizing.

  • Electrical components and choice of producers: You choose in which category of electrical components is performed the sizing. Furthermore, for each category, you can make the choice of the producer or All manufacturers in the archive. In the event that you choose to search All manufacturers it is possible specify Preferences about which manufacturers will be used and in what order will appear in the search of electrical components. In the dialog of choice of manufacturers a column contains all the producers in the archive for the specified component, a second column contains the manufacturers with which you want to search. The and buttons are used to change the search order.

  • Protection schemes of electrical panels: You can make the choice of a protection scheme to be applied to panels DC and AC

  • Options: Allow you to set the search criteria of the electrical component:

Gives priority to the optimization of the electrical verification, performs the choice of the electrical component that best fits the verification regardless of the preferences on the manufacturer.

Gives priority to the preferences on the manufacturer, in this case chose the first element is verified that a manufacturer makes available respecting the search order of the producers.

Clears the contents of electrical component not verified, if there isn't a verified solution the electrical component in question is not assigned.

Sizing the electrical components verified, the sizing is also made on the electrical components that have already been verified.

Sizing the electrical components not verified, the search is performed also on the electrical components that are unverified.

Sizing the electrical components not assigned, the search is performed also on the electrical components that are not assigned.