Near Shading

Near Shading


The photovoltaic system is normally affected to shadows cast by objects close to the PV array. These shadows on modules generate losses in energy production that can be assessed by the program. To do this it is necessary that in the project is present the system layout and the arrangement of the obstructions that generate shadows.


The calculation of loss is influenced by:

  • The geometry of the system layout.

  • The arrangement of the obstructions that generate the shadows.

  • The number of bypass diodes and their arrangement in the PV modules.

When these parameters are correctly defined the program can apply the calculation model for the evaluation of losses.


The calculation of Near shading loss is done with the command Near Shading in Location menu

This command must be run explicitly by the user and the calculation result is stored with the project data. This is needed for this calculation because it can be time consuming and must be performed when the user has completed the project schema.

However, the program will notify the user through an alert in the status bar when there are conditions that require a recalculation of the loss for near shading.