All the graphic entities in the layout can be edited, these are the
rules for doing this:
By clicking on a graphic entity this is enabled to be edited, this is
highlighted by squares on editable nodes and changing the contour
line style. You can also make multiple selection of graphic entities,
keeping the uppercase key pressed while selecting, or you can select
all entities that intersect a rectangle traced by the cursor.
Move entity:
All selected entities can be moved by moving the mouse while holding
the left key pressed. Note that some layout entities cannot be moved
or can only be moved within certain zones.
Moving entities by holding down the uppercase key, nodes of entity
will trigger the snap on other nodes.
Edit node:
Clicking on a node this can be moved by holding down the left mouse
button. Moving node by holding down the uppercase key, the node will
trigger the snap on other nodes. Note that some node of layout
entities cannot be moved or can only be moved within certain zones.
Edit edge:
Moving the mouse cursor over the edges of the graphics entity, the
edge is highlighted in yellow and appears the markers to add and
remove the nodes. The cursor picture changes according to the
operation that you can activate by clicking.
Remove node:
By clicking on the marker ,
the node near the marker is removed and the two edges connected to
the node are deleted and replaced by a new edge.
Add node:
By clicking on the marker
creates a new node at the middle point of the edge, this point can
then be moved to a new position.