Electric consumption profile

Electric consumption profile


To enable the program to evaluate the consumption and self-consumption must indicate which are the individual electrical devices that realize the consumption user. For this BlueSol creates consumption profiles which group the consumption of individual electrical devices. Each profile can be stored in database and reused in projects with similar characteristics.


These are the commands that allow you to perform these operations:

Adds a consumption of electrical device, opens a window with which you specify the characteristics of the consumption both in terms of power used that of temporal distribution.

Adds a consumption of electrical device from the data of the selected one, in this way the consumption thus created can then be modified.

Edit the consumption of selected electrical device, opens a window where you can change the consumption data of the device.

Delete the consumption of selected electrical device.

Reads from file a consumption profile.

Save the current consumption profile, stores it on user database the configuration of consumption currently specified so as to create a profile that the designer can edit and reuse in other projects.

If you read from archive a consumption profile, this can be modified and adapted to the new requirements without, for this reason, the original profile on archive is affected by changes.