Energy sales

Energy sales


The electricity produced by the photovoltaic system, but that is not self-consumed by system users or stored in batteries, can be sold to the grid operator. There are two types of contracts for the sale of electricity fed into the grid:

Sale: The energy fed into the grid is sold or on the basis of an Average price or Variable price based on production. In the first case all the energy is sold on the basis of the average price. In the second case the tariff is set based on the amount of energy annually fed into the grid.The price ranges can be edited using the Add and Delete buttons, and any value changed within the grid.


Net metering: With this contract for the sale of energy, the owner of the PV system receives a credit for the energy they feed into the grid. Since for each country can be different interpretations of this sales policy, the program offers a generic approach where you need to set some parameters.

The credit that is granted is based on the valorization of energy fed into the grid. If this value is the same as the purchase price of the energy, then the grid behaves as an energy storage: that which has not been used can then be withdrawn in a deferred way without additional costs. If the energy that feeds into the grid is greater than that which is taken, it creates a credit which can be possibly used in subsequent years.

Note that, in the economic evaluation, the net metering is considered a revenue even though there may not be a bill, and you may see as a savings.

With these parameters you configure the net metering:

- Managing credit balances: In the case in which there is a credit, this can be used in the subsequent years (with a limit of Credit energy period) or paid annually.

- Credit energy period: Number of years within which can be taken the credit.

- Price of energy valorization exchanged different from the cost of electricity withdrawn: Specifies whether the value of the energy fed into the grid is different from that taken, in this case you must specify the Price of energy valorization.

- Price of energy valorization: Amount by which valorizes the energy fed into the grid.

The economic value of net metering is calculated as follows:

Revenue from net metering = Min ( Price of energy valorization * Energy fed to grid, Cost of energy withdrawn from the grid )