Modules arrangement

Modules arrangement


With these settings, the program performs the arrangement of the modules within the sectors of the areas. Note that these properties are applied to all sectors of the area.



These values represent the orientation of the strings in the area, they are automatically calculated by the program based on the disposition of the areas in the Layout.


Azimuth of strings, it is editable only while the system is in the ground, if the system is on the roof this value is given by the orientation of the lower edge of the area.


Tilt of strings, it is editable only when the Coplanar modules parameter is set to false or when the system is in the ground.



These values affect the way in which the program has strings within the sectors of the areas.

Horizontal alignement

Alignment of the modules respect to the sector along the horizontal direction, can be Left, Center or Right. The horizontal direction is defined by the direction of the lower edge of the area.

Vertical alignement

Alignment of the modules respect to the sector along the vertical direction, can be Left, Center or Right. The vertical direction is defined by the direction perpendicular to the lower edge of the area.

Strings direction

Direction in which the strings are arranged, can be Vertical or Horizontal. The vertical direction is defined by the direction perpendicular to the lower edge of the area. The horizontal direction is defined by the direction of the lower edge of the area.

Start point

Corner of the sector from which to begin the module arrangement.

Module disposition

Disposition of the arrangement of the modules, can be Vertical or Horizontal. The vertical disposition is defined when the side of major size of the module is perpendicular to the lower edge of the area. The horizontal disposition is defined when the side of major size of the module is parallel of the lower edge of the area.

Arrangement verso

Verso wherein arrange the modules in the lines subsequent to the first, can be Alternating or Unique. If Alternating, the order of numbering of each module of the string changes direction when the modules are starting to be placed on a new line. If Unique, the order of numbering of each module of the string has always the same direction also when it change the line. The direction is determined by the choice of Start point parameter.

String on multiline

Enables a string to be placed on multiple lines, if false a string can be arranged only along a straight line. Using multiline optimizes the exploitation of available space.

Modules alligned

Enables module arrangement aligning each module with those of the other rows of strings.




Module distance

Distance between modules expressed in cm. This distance is in the direction of the lower edge of the area.

Line distance

Distance between lines expressed in cm. This distance is in the direction perpendicular to the lower edge of the area.

Optimal distance

Enable the distances between the lines of modules calculated so that the modules do not shading between them. In this case, the Line Distance parameter is not changeable and its value is calculated by the program. This parameter is disabled if the modules are coplanar to the area.




Coplanar modules

Enable the modules to be coplanar and integrated to the area, in this case the Tilt parameter of the string is not editable.

Height from area

Distance in height between the area and the lower edge of modules of the strings, this distance is expressed in cm. This parameter is disabled if the modules are coplanar to the area.