DATETOSTR(date) - Converts a
date constituent of DateTime value to a string.
Converts a DateTime value to a string.
TIMETOSTR(time) - Converts a
time constituent of DateTime value to a string.
STRTODATE(string) - Converts
a string to a DateTime value. Time part is set to 0.
Converts a string to a DateTime value.
STRTOTIME(string) - Converts
a time string to a DateTime value.
YEAR(date) - Returns the
year of specified date.
MONTH(date) - Returns the
month of specified date.
DAY(date) - Returns the day
of specified date.
SYEAR(date) - Returns the
year of date in string representation.
SMONTH(date) - Returns the
month of date in string representation. Month which is less than 10
have zero in place of first symbol - "01", "02"
and so on ...
SDAY(date) - Returns the day
of date in string representation. Day which is less than 10 have zero
in place of first symbol - "01", "02" and so on
DTOS(date) - Converts date
to the string formatted as yyyymmdd.
STOD(string) - Converts
string formatted as yyyymmdd to date value.