This window lets you manage the Layers and can remain open during the
work session.
The window shows the list of the defined layers that contains the
following information about each layer:
The icons displayed in the status column indicate the status of the layer:
Work layer. There is always one work layer only.
Visible layer.
Invisible layer.
If a layer is visible are visible all entities that have as their
attribute level, the number corresponding to that level. The active
layer is always visible. The level 0 is always visible, even if it is
not active. The characteristic of visibility is useful to be able to
control different levels of detail of our drawing, both in
construction phase of the drawing and during printing.
Locked layer, protected from writing.
Unlocked layer, not protected.
If a layer is protected you can not delete or modify entities that
belong to him, and it is not possible to create new entities. This is
useful in order to avoid unwanted changes to a part of the drawing
consolidated. The active layer can not be protected. The layer 0 can
never be protected, even if it is not active.
Indicates the layer number, i.e. the value of the layer attribute.
At the start of the program are defined layers 0 and 1. Layer 0 is a
particular layer, which can never be erased, is always visible and
can not be protected.
Shows the color that is assigned to the layer.
If an entity has as Color
attribute equal to By layer
is displayed with the color associated with the layer to which it belongs.
If in the General page of
the CAD options window is
activated Layer color, when
a layer becomes the work layer, the color associated with the the
layer becomes the current one.
Shows the layer description.
Selecting a layer in the list and right clicking you can open a
contextual menu that offers several options for the selected layer:
If the check box is checked the selected layer is work layer (the
active layer). Otherwise you can make it work layer selecting here.
If the check box is checked the layer is visible. Selecting here you
can modify the visibility status of the layer: a visible layer
becomes invisible and vice versa. Remember that work layer and layer
0 are always visible.
If the check box is checked the layer is locked. Selecting here you
can modify the protection status of the layer: a locked layer becomes
unlocked and vice versa. Remember that work layer and layer 0 are
always unlocked.
Calls the Create / Modify layers window
for the creation of a new layer.
Calls the Create / Modify layers window
for the modification of the selected layer.
Deletes the selected layer. A layer can only be deleted if it is
blank, i.e. if it doesnt function as layer attribute for any
graphic entity, block components included. Work layer and layer 0
cannot be deleted.
Select all
Selects all layers from the list in order to modify them all together.
You can select multiple layers at once as follows:
Select the first level of the group.
Holding down the shift key, select the last level of the group.
At this point, you can perform the same action on all selected
layers. Some actions are disabled. For example, you can make it work
layer or modify only one layer at a time. Also, if is made not
visible a group that contains the work layer or layer 0, this action
has no effect on the work layer and layer 0. Similarly, if is made
protected a group of layers.
BlueSol inserts the entities it creates (modules, devices, cables,
etc... on the Layout page, and the Electric scheme) in particular
layers that are not visible in the Layers
window and then can not be modified by the user.