Electricity grid

Electricity grid


Defines the part of the system that connects to the electricity grid, so this section is never present in standalone systems. The parameters that can be set differs depending on whether the delivery of electricity occurs in low or medium voltage and that the connection is single phase or three phase (property modified in the section Properties|System).

This section allows you to define the components that make the connection to the electrical grid. Since this part of the design of the PV system can be influenced by normatives of each country, the program offers a general solution that can be configured to adapt to the needs of the designer. If the designer considers it necessary, you can also delete everything related to the connection of the PV system to the grid.

This can be achieved by clicking the check mark Unmanaged configuration of connection to the grid.

All these settings modify the electrical scheme created by the program, you can set:

  • Panel parallel grid: It is the panel for the distribution of energy to the consumers connected to the PV system.

  • Panel detachment grid: Make the detaching of the PV system from the grid.

  • Interface group: The interface is a protection device of the grid involved in case of faults in the electrical grid. The interface inhibits the release of electric current of the photovoltaic system in the network, in the case where is no voltage on the national grid or in the case in which the parameters of the network found to incorrect. It is therefore a measure of protection placed to grid security, of the system and who should be working. It is composed by Interface relay which opens the Interface protection both in case of fault internal to the protections both for fault of the network. Some types of inverters, mostly of small power, have the function of the network interface already integrated within them.

  • Transformer group: Inserts a transformer for adapting the output voltage of the system with that of the electricity network.

  • Energy meter: Inserts the meter for energy fed / drawn from the grid.


The creation, of each of these sections, can be disabled using the appropriate check marks on the page General


See also:

Electrical scheme