Irradiance data provided by the user

Irradiance data provided by the user


The command of new data irradiance permits the insertion in database the irradiation values specified by the user. We must then enter all the required data, including the source of these data.

The program allows you the ability to search a new location directly from a map, choosing the Country and the Location, the program will identify the place and display it in the map, the presence of a red marker on the map indicates that the location is found. If you select the check mark Free selection of location you can freely choose the geographical coordinates clicking the mouse position on the map.

To take on the geographical coordinates of the selected location is necessary to click the button Select location. This operation enters the data taken from the map in the irradiance data table: geographical coordinates, country and location. All other data in the table can be specified by the user or imported from other sources of climate data as explained below.


The use of the map it is possible only if there is an internet connection, otherwise the user will need to enter, including the data of the new location, explicitly geographic coordinates latitude and longitude.


It is also possible to import data radiation in the following way:

  • Set NASA-SSE irradiances: Inserts data irradiance relative to the location with geographic coordinates specified in the data table irradiance. So before you use this tool, you need to identify the location.

  • Import PVGIS irradiances: Reads data from the radiation portal Web PVGIS, note that as the imported data contain the location and the geographical coordinates, these will overwrite those that may be present in the data table. At the end of the operation the map will move to the location for which you are importing the data.



See also:

Irradiances data sources