Diagram of shading

Diagram of far shading


To take account of the effect of far shadows we must be pointed out a mapping of the obstacles on the horizon, seen by an observer located at a point of the PV system, bringing on a diagram that represents the projection of the celestial hemisphere seen by the observer on a flat surface, so as to obtain a graph in which the abscissa shows the orientation East-West (or West-East for the southern hemisphere) and the ordinate the elevation above the horizon.


BlueSol provides the user with the tools for the realization of the diagram of shading that can be realized:

  • Defining a series of points that represent the values of solar height of the obstacles detected on the field with the aid of a compass and a clinometer.

  • Putting the panoramic around the PV system through the use of digital photographs.


The commands available to allow the definition of diagrams:


Add shadows: Allows you to draw a diagram of shading by the insertion of a polyline, the Enter key ends the data entry and opens a window that summarizes the values that have been entered.


Cut shadows: Allows you to cut a part of the diagram shading. The inclusion of two or more points allows you to define the area of the diagram that will be cut, the Enter key ends the data enter and opens a window that summarizes the values that have been entered.


Clear shadows: Used to delete a section of the diagram shading. The inclusion of two or more points identifies the area in which the plot is canceled, the Enter key ends up entry and opens a window that summarizes the values that have been entered.


Clear all shadows: Delete all diagram shading.


Import shading: Allows you to import from a file with the extension .shd, a diagram of shading.


Export shading: Export to a file with the extension .shd the current diagram shading.


Shading from panoramic image: Opens a window that allows you to compose the panoramic image from which is derived the diagram shade.


In all commands that require the insertion of points, if you want to cancel the entered points simply click the right mouse button to go backwards in order of entry.