Tables of project data

Tables of project data


In addition to the labels of project data, each project contains tables of data that can be included in the documentation templates. To extract the data in these tables is to use the scan cycles of the tables in the macro language for templates. The following are the names of the data tables of BlueSol projects:


(CATEGORY_INVERTER) InverterFeature: Characteristics of inverter installed in the system

(CATEGORY_MODULE) ModuleFeature: Features of the modules used in the system

(CATEGORY_MODULESYS) Module: Module features present in the system

(CATEGORY_INVERTERSYS) Inverter: Data on inverters installed

(CATEGORY_HORIZONSHADE) HShades: Shadings of the horizon line

(CATEGORY_ORIENTATIONS) Orientations: Orientation of the strings (PV fields)

(CATEGORY_STRINGS) Strings: Composition of strings (list and characteristics of the different strings)

(CATEGORY_PANELSDC) PanelsDC: Composition of DC electrical panels (list and features of the panels with different characteristics)

(CATEGORY_CABLES) Cables: Table data for all individual cables

(CATEGORY_CABLESSUMMARY) CablesSummary: Table summary of data relating to different types of cables used

(CATEGORY_CABLESPESUMMARY) CablesPESummary: Table summary of data relating to different types of cables (PE) used

(CATEGORY_CABLESNEUTRALSUMMARY) CablesNeutralSummary: Table summary of data relating to different types of neutral cables

(CATEGORY_SWITCHSPARTLIST) SwitchsPartList: Table data relating to the list of the switches

(CATEGORY_BREAKERSPARTLIST) BreakersPartList: Table data list of disconnecting switches

(CATEGORY_DIODESPARTLIST) DiodesPartList: Table data on the list of diodes

(CATEGORY_FUSESSPARTLIST) FusesPartList: Table data with the list of fuses

(CATEGORY_DISCHARGERSPARTLIST) DischargersPartList: Table data to the bill of surges

(CATEGORY_ECONOMICTABLE) EcoTab: Table of economic data

(CATEGORY_PERIODCOST) PCost: Table of periodic costs of maintenance

(CATEGORY_FIXCOST) FCost: Table-off costs of maintenance